Platy Fish

If you are new to the aquarium hobby, Platy Fish are the fish for you. They are peaceful, easy-to-care for, and ideal for community aquariums. These mesmerizing fish have a bright coloration. There are many breeds and hybrids within this species which come in as many colors as the rainbow. They have always been very popular in the aquarium hobby since their first introduction in 1907.

a red fish is swimming in a tank with green plants .
a silver fish is swimming in a tank of water .

Silver Dollar Fish

 If you are a fish keeper with a bit of experience and are looking to expand your fish collection, Silver Dollar Fish might be the fish for you. They are peaceful medium-size fish, ideal for community aquariums. These silvery colored fish get their name from how they look. Laterally flattened, they look exactly like an old silver dollar. If you are looking for top water schooling fish, they are one of the best choices.

Head and Taillight Tetra Fish

Best known for its coppery spots that look like taillights, the head, and tail light tetra hails from the freshwater river and streams in South America. A peaceful schooling fish, this tetra species does not need a large tank, it just wants plenty of open swimming space and subdued mood lighting to keep it content.

a small fish with red eyes is swimming in a tank .
a red fish with a white tail is swimming in a tank .

White Fin Ornate Tetra

The Ornate Tetra is relatively hardy and moderately easy to care for. It must have pristine water as they do not tolerate water condition changes well. The handsome and pleasant Ornate Tetra deserves the bit of extra work needed to keep it. This little fish will reward a dedicated hobbyist with hours of entertainment as it moves about the aquarium in a dignified but energetic fashion. Multiple companions are needed for this little fish. A school of 6 is the generally accepted minimum.

Dwarf Gourami

The dwarf gourami is a peaceful and shy fish. If you have a pair of them, the two fish will swim together. Dwarf gouramis are considered labyrinth fish, which means they breathe straight from the air with a lung-like labyrinth organ and need to have access to the water's surface.

a small fish with a red tail is swimming in a tank .
a fish is swimming in a tank of rocks .


There are many species of Ancistrus, and several have become prominent within the aquarium hobby. Their diet of vegetation, consisting of mostly algae, also makes them an ideal tank addition: they are terrific tank cleaners who can vacuum the substrate of your tank on a daily basis. They're peaceful and sociable fish, fitting into a community tank nicely.

Golden White Cloud Fish

The Golden White Cloud (Tanichthys albonubes) is a color variant of the White Cloud species of Minnow/Danio originating from the White Cloud Mountain area of the Guangdong Province of southeastern China. Their native habitat consists of shallow heavily vegetated mountain streams. Golden White Clouds are fairly undemanding in terms of their aquarium requirements, with a moderately decorated 10 gallon aquarium being sufficient. Being a small schooling species in nature means that they have evolved to live in large groups. Both their social structure and their sense of security and protection is built around living in schools of individuals, thus it is highly recommended that hobbyists house them in groups of 8 or more individuals.

a small fish with a red tail is swimming in the water on a black background .
a gray fish with blue eyes is swimming in a tank .

Tandanus Fish

An olive greenish, greyish to brown eel-tailed catfish often with pale yellowish mottling on the rear of the body, and a whitish underside. Juveniles have darker mottling. The Freshwater Catfish has 4 pairs of barbels surrounding the mouth, and sharp serrated dorsal and pectoral-fin spines which are venomous and can cause a very painful wound.


Axolotls are a type of salamander, but unlike salamanders, they do not routinely undergo metamorphosis from the larval (with gills) to adult form and remain aquatic their entire life. Axolotls can be found in a variety of colors including black, grey, golden, albino, white with black eyes, and other colors. They are relatively easy to care for, but they live their entire lives in water, so you must be able to provide an adequate tank that is kept at the right temperature for this animal.

a black axolotl and a yellow axolotl are standing next to each other on a rocky surface .


Providing a range of beautiful Swords, Anubias and Crypts making part of our range of plants and show pieces. These wonderful varieties originate from all corners of the world. From the Amazon river and estuaries, to the deep dark reaches of the Congo. In addition, providing a great assortment of Bunched Plants to provide all of your plant needs.

Golden Coment

Despite having the common name of Goldfish, most Goldfish tend to be orange-red rather than golden! The Golden Comet is one of the few varieties available that is a rich golden colour and it makes a great contrast to the other commonly kept Goldfish colour combinations. Ideal fish for both indoors and outdoors.

a group of goldfish are swimming in a tank .

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